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  • Image credit: Sullivan + Strumpf Fine Art Image credit: Sullivan + Strumpf Fine Art

Young at Heart at Sullivan + Strumpf

April 2, 2012

Published in Broadsheet

Dane Lovett’s latest exhibition at Sullivan + Strumpf is a mature take on teenage dreaming.

In Dane Lovett’s world, the still life is anything but static. His depictions of plant matter and pop culture ephemera shift between personal and universal orientations, in the way you’re never quite sure if your love for a 1990s VHS is everyone’s or yours alone.

Forking in the River of Time, a new exhibition at Sydney’s Sullivan + Strumpf Fine Art, features a series of Lovett’s latest works – paintings that are beautiful without an ounce of prettiness. In Jenny, a wilting plant on top of an old rental video sparks wistfulness, but Lovett’s palette of washed out pinks and blues avoid descending into nostalgia. Similarly, Dead Ghosts recalls a forgotten corner of your best friend’s record collection and brings it to life in technicolour fuchsia and yellow.

Delicate, evocative and visceral, it’s art for music lovers and the young at heart.

Forking in the River of Time shows at Sullivan + Strumpf Fine Art until April 21.

Posted by Neha Kale on April 23rd, 2013