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Recent work

Image credit: Rachel Kara

Image credit: Rachel Kara

The last three months have flown by in a series of deadlines bookended by an incredible fortnight in Japan. Here are some things that I’ve been working on in the last little while.

  • I’ve had many kinds of interview experiences but few as humbling as my chat with the artist Sydney Ball for Broadsheet. You can read the piece here – images by the lovely Rachel Kara.
  • I reviewed Lena Dunham’s memoir Not that Kind of Girl for The Vine back in October.
  • A roundup of five female artists I think are worth watching for Daily Life.
  • I profiled Sydney artist Jelena Telecki for the latest issue of Vault magazine.
  • My feature on Houzz co-founder Adi Tatarko is in this month’s Renegade Collective at newsagents around the country now.

Posted by Neha Kale on December 18th, 2014